MBC3 requires a minimum of a 68030, 68040 or PowerMacintosh running System 7.1 or later.
How to install
Installation of MacBARCODA is very easy:
1. Launch the MBC3 Installer. Enter your name and organisation, then click on the "Install" button.
2. You will now see a splash screen showing the version of MBC3 which you are installing. Click on the "Continue" button.
3. You will now be provided with the option of a 'Full' or 'Custom' installation. Make your selection and begin the installation.
What is installed
Fonts will be installed into your System Folder and the demo copy of MBC3 will be installed into a new folder on your hard disk. This folder also contains some sample bar codes that can be printed as well as the AppleGuide files for MBC3. The Guide files are available from the HELP menu whenever MBC3 is running and provide comprehensive instructions on how to use MBC3.
Barcode 'Families' available.
MBC3 contains 9 major barcode families/groups. Each group will contain the normal formats for each symbology plus a range of industry-standard formats. The available groupings are:
You will notice that the demo copy of MBC3 does not allow you to save the bar codes that you create but does allow access to all the other features. To unlock the save/export features of the product, you will need to purchase an unlock code from Computalabel International.
We can provide you with an unlock code by phone/fax/eMail so that you can start using the software right away. You can choose between the full version or, for a lower price, any one of the 9 bar code families.